It’s so crazy I’m doing a TED show.

It’s so crazy I’m doing a TED show.
Today I was interviewed by Viktoryia Sinkovec for episode one of her exciting new podcast called ARTY PARTY. We discussed art and drank tea. (Get it? Art Tea Party?) I’ll share the podcast here when it gets released.
Viktoryia is a Belarussian in Belgium, multilingual mother/lawyer/yogini/journalist and art lover. Well, she corrected me, lover in general!
We talked about the arts in Europe, my upcoming live art performance for TEDx. Viktoryia gave me some fantastic breathing techniques to help calm stage fright.
These breathing techniques provided some much needed art therapy for the artist, here.
We had a delicious tea party and a good giggle about her big black microphone.
While we were recording her doorbell rang with a delivery of art supplies!
A great opportunity to do a couple of portraits of her in action.
I did not know she was recording this timelapse video while we were recording a podcast, while I was painting her portrait, while we were drinking tea.
An Arty Party, indeed.
Continuous line portraits I painted in March will be on view again, this time at the big TEDxULB Belgium event in
Maison Du Bois, Vrijwilligerslaan 2, 1040 Etterbeek on OCT 22nd
alongside a live art + music event (we are starting to rehearse TONIGHT)!
Paintings for both this and the last showwill be delivered by hand.
This includes painted portraits of:
Sarah Lewarne, Dalia Aviv, Grâce Ketty Cardon, Bhushavali Natarajan, Vaya Vaena, Meghan Sinnott, Elena Kountoura, Christina Ab, Joana Xhemali, Athanasia Katsigianni, Sandra Hodzic, Lee PH, Vanessa Katsardi, Aneta Safaryn, Helen O’Sullivan-Tyrrell, Ahu Yigit, Anna Giannopapa, Michele Nevenka Lalić, John Larimer, Beata Szypcio, Silvia Anna, Sofia Sereti, Mathild Borcard, Konstandinka Kouneva, Solly Elstein, Sarah Ironside, Eleana Ziakou and Efel Fotou.