Educational tool on the different dynamics of consent.
I contributed this illustration to a super important card game that helps young people/adults explore the concept of consent. It can be used in classrooms and workshops and even therapy.
This 56-card game was designed by the great minds of Alice Macia and Mathilde Borcard working with the Federation of Family Planning and Sexual Education (FCPPF) for Wallonia, Belgium within a greater collaboration between L’Estime ASBL and the FCPPF.
The Fédération Belge pour le Planning Familial et l’Education Sexuelle (FCPPF) serves Belgium’s Francophone community. It runs 42 centres, where it conducts training in family planning for health personnel, and an information and documentation centre. The organisation is prominent in the promotion of women’s sexual and reproductive health rights, and has organised a solidarity campaign for migrant women.
L’Estime do training and workshops for psycho-emotional health through awareness of and communication with the body. They propose group and individual support to people living with the somatic consequences of (psycho)trauma. Their bodywork and care for pain, anxiety and trauma centres consent, body positivity, social justice and inclusivity.
On behalf of these amazing spaces, Macia and Borcard approached me because they knew I’ve illustrated big ideas in the past (philosophy for kids, abstract maths, physics, asthma, Autism, political dialectics…). They liked my continuous line method and the way it can visually illustrate the necessary continuity of this topic.
I illustrated over 130 visuals and they chose this one for this part of a bigger educational project that begins here. This card game explores the different dynamics of consent through personal expression, debates and collective creations. This support offers an understanding of consent at both the relational and societal level and allows us to collectively appropriate a definition and courses of action to set up a culture of consent on a daily basis.

Target audience
This tool is intended for all professionals wishing to address the issue of consent with their audiences, young people from 15 years old or adults. It is also aimed at work teams who wish to question their posture: as a team and / or with their audience. More broadly, this tool is also intended for any adult who wishes to question the topic of consent.
The 56 cards are separated into two main themes of 28 cards each identified by a color code:
- the yellow cards deal with consent in its interpersonal aspect;
- blue cards in its societal aspect;
In each theme you will find talk , challenge , roundtable and group creation cards .
The Parole Cards offer a question on consent and a speaking time for the person who drew the card.
The Challenge cards , tour de table and group creation offer instructions for an activity to be carried out in a group on the subject.

- Talk about consent in terms of practice and not just in terms of concept;
- Encourage listening rather than debate to enrich individual reflections and representations;
- Consider consent in all relational spheres (not just sexual);
- Deepen a non-binary vision of consent;
- Approach consent from the perspective of power relations rather than as a single issue of individual responsibility;
- Highlight the influences of our social and cultural environment in relational and romantic models;
- Promote awareness that inequalities and gender stereotypes are obstacles to consent;
- Raise awareness of the relational benefits of a culture of consent.

My Favourite Questions
This card game can be used to initiate group discussions in safe educational/therapeutic spaces. Some of my favourite questions include:
- What to do when there is doubt about consent?/Que faire lorsqu’il y a doute sur le consentement d’une personne ?
- How / where can we practice consent outside of sexuality?/Comment/où pouvons nous pratiquer le consentement en dehors de la sexualité ?
- How to initiate a conversation with a partner about your own limits?/
Comment initier une conversation avec un.e partenaire au sujet de tes propres limites ?
And importantly:
- If a person says ok once for something, will it be ok for the same thing every other time? OR If someone says yes, does that mean it will be yes every other time? / Si une personne dit ok une fois pour quelque chose, est ce que ce sera ok pour la même chose toutes autres les fois ? OU Si quelqu’un.e dit oui, cela veut-il dire que ce sera oui toutes les autres fois?
I received a flat fee so don’t get anything when promoting this project, but I hope every young person engages with this topic. We might just consent to make a better world.