A full spread in the newspaper? THANK YOU! My Greek language comedy & Brussels-based comedy buddies burning bright right here in Greece’s newspaper, Η Εφημερίδα των Συντακτών today!

What an incredible article, THANK YOU @mapsara !!!!!!!

@nikospantelisrds: stop being so cute. I said stop. @billykissa: I don’t know where we’re going with this, but I’m enjoying the roller coaster.

And all the thanks to @vkatsardis inspiring this insane multicultural family life that provides all the comedy content one Alaskan girl can (fly off the) handle

Going going going! Wait. Performing with him too. Who speaks Greek? You speak Greek? Do you LAUGH in Greek too? PAME!








Happy New Year! Took a long break from doing any comedy & cancelled lots of shows since October, as you can imagine. Recently invited to perform in this comedy show just around the corner on February 2nd. Recovering from surgery, going to give it my best and see if I can have some release, some catharsis, and make someone else pee their pants for once. I know it’s a sad and hellacious time right now. But we need community. We need friends. And we need laughter. I’m your friend. We haven’t seen each other in ages. Come. Let’s have a laugh

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.be/e/the-nines-first-international-womens-comedy-night-tickets-777006345897?aff=erelexpmlt

Kym Nelson
Pearl Bass
Delia Tou
Helen Johnson
JoBee Joanna Pszczoła
Niamh Moroney
Sixty Niners Comedy
JoBee Project